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95% of Partners for World Health’s work is accomplished by a diverse group of people in the Portland, Maine area that commit to sorting, processing and packing medical supplies, answering our phones, driving our commercial vehicles for pickups, and more! We are always looking for new volunteers! 

Becoming a PWH Volunteer is easy!


1. Click the link below to create an account.

2. Next, sign up to attend a New Volunteer Orientation

3. Then, you’re ready to volunteer!


We can’t wait for you to join us. 

Mornings 9:00am to 12:00pm and afternoons 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

Having trouble? Consult our Signing Up and  Registering for an Event FAQs

Are you looking for a group volunteering opportunity?  We welcome groups for either a half day or full day with us and are happy to have businesses, religious groups, school groups, summer camps and more!  To schedule a time for your group or for more information please contact

Sorting, Evaluating and Repackaging Medical Supplies


PWH collects thousands of pounds of medical supplies every day and all of it needs to be evaluated, sorted, and repacked before it can be loaded in containers and sent to under served populations in the developing world.  This is what a majority of our volunteers enjoy helping with and tasks can include:


  • Macrosorting - opening bags and boxes and sorting items into general category bins

  • Microsorting - further sorting general category bins into bins of more restrictive categories

  • Counting, bagging and labeling similar items

  • Creating kits of supplies (respiratory kits, surgical kits, birthing kits, etc.)

  • Packing, sealing and labeling boxes for shipment

But did you know there are volunteer opportunities beyond sorting medical supplies?  Check out the link below to learn about our additional needs!

What one word comes to mind when you think about your experience at PWH today?

"Wow"   "Impact"   "Eye-opening"   "Extraordinary"   "Gratifying"   "Fun"   "Value"   "Beneficial"   "Inspiring"   "Amazing"   "Rewarding"   "Organized"      "Exhilarating"   "Shocked"   "Meaningful"   "Positive"   "Awesome"   "Uplifting"

                                    "Best Place Ever!"  (ok, that's 3 words but we couldn't resist!)

What inspired you today?

 It is so amazing that we can do something so simple to help so many people in need


The enthusiasm, story and the impact this place has!  


I felt like I was making a difference!


Working toward such a moving mission is fulfilling!

I like being part of something bigger than me

other comments

I was really surprised at the amount of supplies thrown away at hospitals 


Well-explained & executable


Meaningful work, good volunteer leadership


Everyone was happy!  


Such a good feeling!

Great Cause

Amazing organization!


Keep up the good work!

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